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What is ADHD?

By Senna Rogoyski


  • ADHD is a debilitating disorder that develops commonly during childhood

  • There are three types to ADHD: predominantly inattentive type, impulsive type, and combined type

  • Some treatments to this disorder are therapy, parent coaching, medication, and etc.

ADHD: What It Is

The term ADHD is an acronym for the phrase attention-deficit/hyperactivity. ADHD is recognized to be a debilitating and long term disorder as it is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders that can occur during childhood. From reports and studies taken, it was concluded that around 9.4% of the population in the US have an ADHD diagnosis which is equivalent to 6 million people. ADHD is known to also have an influence and a negative effect on several aspects of the individual’s life such as their every day chores, work/school, and relationships with others. Typically, children/adults with ADHD have trouble focusing/prioritizing what needs to be done, they lack the ability to control their impulsive emotions, zone out in times of importance, and overall function daily. Since ADHD stems from the childhood, it's often that this disorder is first noticed in school and looked deeper into as the child’s behavior progressively worsens. Boys tend to have a higher diagnosis rate of ADHD. However, this is not because there are a greater number of boys with ADHD, but rather because girls tend to control their impulses/show indolence and avoid showing the common symptoms.

Types of ADHD

There are three main types of ADHD:

  1. The first type of ADHD is called the predominantly inattentive type. This is when the individual has trouble focusing, prioritizing what they need to do, and organizing important things out. This ADHD type tends to develop in older teens as their emotions are more controlled and they are more mature. Symptoms for this ADHD include:

    1. Making reckless mistakes and missing important details in school or a job

    2. While reading a book or watching a book, they struggle to focus

    3. Dozes off during conversations and has trouble trying to pay attention

    4. Has problems been organized in their everyday life and for important events/activities

    5. Often forgets precious items and daily task they need to complete

  2. The second type of ADHD is called the impulsive type. This often is formed and noticed in young kids and children. Kids with impulsive ADHD tend to struggle to think before they make an action and rather act on impulse/without thinking about the consequences beforehand. People with this type show signs such as:

    1. Not being able to sit still in a chair

    2. Fidgets and plays with their hands or object

    3. Talks a great amount

    4. Unable to stay patient and calm

    5. Play, talks, yell, run during times that are not appropriate

    6. Interrupts other during mid conversations

  3. The third type of ADHD is called the combined type. This refers to having a combination of having the symptoms of both the inattentive type and hyperactive active type. As this is the hardest to control and treat, this also ends up having the most negative effect on individuals. Not only do people with this type struggle to control their urges, however they also struggle to be organized and focused whenever it is needed.

However, it is important to also understand that the symptoms of these types of ADHDs are also normal behaviors of young kids. Just because a kid gets reckless and impulsive easily doesn't mean that the kid has any type of ADHD. This is why it is important to meet up with a doctor and to get the kid properly diagnosed before assuming anything.


Although the cause for why ADHD develops in a kid has not been officially proven or identified, it is theorized that the disorder is inherited and because of genetics. This being said, there are several ways to treat this disorder. The typical methods to this are medication in order to calm the brain, therapy to learn skills, and parent coaching in order to teach parents the more effective methods to understanding and dealing with their child.


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